Medical training on ‘virtual patient’ in 4K 3D

Medical training on ‘virtual patient’ in 4K 3D
On 19 April PSNC took part in the demonstration of technology in area of e-Health and novel visualisation. Presentation was dedicated primarily for medical students and focused on innovative methods of medical training and diagnosis with stereoscopic high-resolution visualisation and network transmission. Researchers at Cardiff and Bristol Universities, with help of team from PSNC have shown capabilities of simulation visualisation, streaming and displaying of ultra-high definition (UHD) content.

Presented simulations are already used by trainee radiographers at Cardiff University. The UHD and 3D technologies as well as the research and education high-speed data networks, have the potential to add new value and revolutionize the way medical training. They will enable students to grow their competences in a virtual world before treating ‘actual’ patients. By sharing resources with other sites significant savings could also be made, as well as enabling shared expertise.

The radiographers at Cardiff’s Healthcare Studies saw the demonstration of training on a ‘virtual patient’ using 3D technology. The live 4K and 8K video streams have been sent to remote sites at Bristol and PSNC. The second demonstration has shown the computational modeling on arterial cells – the results of the research done in Cardiovascular Sciences Research Group based at the Wales Heart Research Institute in Cardiff.

The success of the demonstration was enabled by the involvement of PSNC team and their expert knowledge gained during the setup and development of the 4K3D node. The aim of PSNC is to further cooperate in this subject and to offer similar tools for Polish students in the future.

Szymon Malewski, PSNC